Hiking the Rugged Trails of Sardinia’s Supramonte Region

Sardinia, Italy's second-largest island, is a haven for nature enthusiasts, and the Supramonte region stands out as one of its most pristine and adventurous terrains. Nestled in the island's eastern part, the Supramonte region offers rugged limestone mountains, deep gorges, and a taste of authentic Sardinian culture. For backpackers keen on exploring less-trodden paths, this region is a dream come true.

1. The Unspoiled Beauty of Supramonte
Unlike the more touristy parts of Sardinia, Supramonte remains largely untouched. Its vast landscapes are characterized by karst plateaus, dense forests, and hidden caves. The region's biodiversity is astounding, with endemic species that have adapted to the challenging environment.

2. Preparing for the Hike
Before embarking on your hiking adventure, it's crucial to be well-prepared. The trails in Supramonte can be challenging, and the weather unpredictable. Ensure you have sturdy hiking boots, ample water, and a detailed map of the area. There are several guidebooks tailored to the region's trails, offering insights and tips.

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3. Notable Trails
The 'Selvaggio Blu' is perhaps the most famous trail in Supramonte. This challenging route stretches over 40 kilometers, taking hikers through dense forests, along cliffs, and across stunning beaches. Another notable trail is the 'Gorropu Gorge' hike, which takes you through one of Europe's deepest canyons.

4. Respecting Nature
Supramonte's beauty lies in its untouched nature. As you hike, ensure you follow the 'leave no trace' principle. This means packing out all your trash, not disturbing wildlife, and staying on designated trails. The region is home to the endangered mouflon and the golden eagle; if you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of these majestic creatures.

5. Cultural Treasures
While Supramonte's natural beauty is undeniable, its cultural treasures are equally captivating. Ancient shepherd huts, known as 'cuile', dot the landscape, offering a glimpse into the region's pastoral history. The traditional Sardinian dry-stone huts, with their characteristic conical roofs, blend seamlessly into the environment, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between man and nature.

6. Safety First
Given the ruggedness of the terrain, it's essential to prioritize safety. Always inform someone about your hiking plans, carry a first aid kit, and avoid hiking alone. The trails can be treacherous, especially after rains, so it's crucial to be cautious and aware of your surroundings.

7. Local Cuisine
After a long day of hiking, there's nothing more rewarding than indulging in local Sardinian cuisine. The region's specialties include 'pecorino' cheese, 'pane carasau' (a type of flatbread), and 'porceddu' (roast piglet). Local eateries, known as 'agriturismo', offer authentic farm-to-table experiences, ensuring you get a taste of genuine Sardinian flavors.

8. Best Time to Visit
Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) are the best times to hike in Supramonte. The weather is pleasant, and the trails are less crowded. Summer can be scorching, making hiking challenging, while winters are wet and cold.

In conclusion, hiking in Sardinia's Supramonte region is a journey of discovery. It's an opportunity to connect with nature, immerse oneself in authentic culture, and experience the raw beauty of one of Europe's hidden gems. As you traverse its rugged trails, you'll be captivated by the magic of Supramonte, making it an unforgettable backpacking adventure.

Alessandro Bianchi
1816 5


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